Monday, February 3, 2014

Risk: Legacy!

 I got Risk: Legacy for Christmas. I'll be straightfoward, this is a whole new ball game. The game is designed to be played 15 times before the board is 'completed.' Each game changes the world. Cities are placed on the board, continents are named by the victors, territories are changed, for better or worse.

At first, I was really reticent to actually place stickers on the board, tear up cards, etc. It goes against every instinct I have as a gamer. But this game is so exciting, I decided to go with it. Besides, who actually ever Gets 15 games of enjoyment out of Risk? If you do, you've definitely got your money's worth out of it.
 Right when you open the box, you're greeted with the sight of these mysterious card sleeves. I can't wait to open them, who KNOWS what's inside?!?

And the back of the board itself? You're Literally signing on for an entirely different boardgame experience. With trembling hand, each player took up the pen to affix their name to this grand undertaking...
 Each faction, at the very beginning, chooses between two different special rules, affixing the sticker to their faction card and throwing the other away. I chose the Khan Industries faction, whose special rules are "At the start of each turn, place one army in any territory you control that holds a HQ" or something about "If you capture a territory and draw the card for that territory, you may place an army there." Something like that, I chose the first one. The Saharan Republic lets you make an number of troop-consolidation moves at the end of your turn, or make one as usual, with the exception that the territories don't have to be linked for you to move troops from/into it.
 Look at those huge, caution-taped sections there! What's inside? Why so much larger than the card-packets? Do they contain more troops, of different sizes? It could be Anything!

 The continent names are all blank, as a winner of a game, you can choose to name a continent, or place and name a Major City. As winner of the first game, I placed and named the city of New Carthage!
 And hidden on the inside of the box, underneath the tray?

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