HERE IT IS! My company of the Cadian 8th Regiment, the Lord Castellan's Own! Most of them aren't all that well painted, I have to admit. I've been working on this army for 8 years. EIGHT. haha. Man, the Eye of Terror Campaign was awhile ago, wasn't it? That's the main group shot.
Now, the more cunning and sharp-eyed among you will have noticed, and perhaps asked yourself "Why, it looks as if the Tanks are painted an entirely different scheme than the everything else. What's up with that?" Well, the answer lies in fluff. Ever since the Horus Heresy, Imperial Guard formations have been entirely made up of one type of unit. Infantry regiments are full of infantry. Tanks go in the tank regiments, and IG can't control spaceships. That way, if heresy takes root, a would-be Warmaster wouldn't have the full range of units at their disposal. So, while my Infantry are a solid force of Cadians, I've decided that their allied Armoured units would be from a Valhallan armored regiment. I'll probably slowly work towards an armored apocalypse force, the Valhallan somethinghundred-and-fifth.
Here, we see the Valhallan Armored force pushing forwards, while the Cadian infantry advances alongside and uses them for cover.
I personally really enjoy the grey-brown paint scheme. I have to learn how to get some more detail on the tanks. I've been focusing on getting my army up to the 3-colour standard.
Here, we have an Officer of the Fleet. I really like the model. Also, see his Bodyguard. I like it, thematically, since when I beef up a command squad, I always have an officer of the fleet, and I always have bodyguards. It made sense to me that a high ranking officer of the Imperial Fleet wouldn't be unaccompanied by a personal armsman. Also, I had a spare Mordian lying around. So, here they are together.
And, because this post has dragged on long enough, I'll add a picture of my favorite commissar.
Anyways, I hope whoever's reading this enjoys it. Have at it, let me know what you think. I guess I'll post about tactics or something else next time. I still need to post pictures of the Stormtroopers, the other Commissars, and some of my unpainted stuff.
*FOOTNOTE* I'd almost forgotten. You might also notice how there are three different paint schemes for the infantry models. Since I've been building this army for 8 years, there have been some changes. I'm working on getting them all up to the exact same standard. They all look fine. For now, I've decided that the FLUFF explanation for this is that it's only natural that the newer arrivals to the unit would have cleaner,newer uniforms, some would be a little more weathered, and the oldest models (from when I base coated my older models olive drab to save time painting the armor, haha.) So, they're a mixed batch, but I enjoy my horde of guardsmen.
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